Thursday, 14 April 2011

guess2 who i am.....

Assalamu'alaikum... good nite to all who read this article... actually tonight we need to learn and follow a new blog. so we were ask to do some article during semester break. hm today i just want to share with u about myself... i am 22 years.. i've been in UPSI for 2years..there are 2 years left.. i hope that everything will going to be smoothly until the end of this year., Kak Marlini who had bring me and touched me to the halaqah. before this i do not know what it is all about. but then i realize that something need to be change. i also want to be good in Islam. but unfortunately my IMAN always going down..and hard to be up again.. it need a little push from someone i close.. i hope that that person will not leave me behind although they may have try their very best to advise me but i still didn't hear them or change to the positive one. just be patient ok!! May Allah bless u for what ever you have done to me all this while. emm i don't know want to write what. today i a little bit blurr... but for two weeks.. i feel bad.. i did not take care my relationship to Allah. i think that i have been far from Allah.. i need to be a neutral again.. hope everything will be change after this... long for now.. i want to check out.. tata... Assalam....
-cermin putih


  1. salam..dalam mencari Redha dan cinta-Nya, maka hanya satu jalannya adalah mujahadah. wajarlah iman kita menurun namun jgn kita membiasakannya..maafkan jika diri ini alpa dalam menegurmu. i"allah i will never leave you alone after this.however, you should try and put every effort in everything you do especially in taking care your relationshop with Allah. no one can change you, but you yourself.we will support you from behind..

  2. i'm agree wit maratussufi..our Prophet (pbuh) had said..iman is down and up..and refresh it wit Lailahailallah...=)..nice try..keep it up..

  3. nbz: (pbuh) 2 ape ek...=)
    cermin putih : Syaitan akan sentiasa memsg prngkap terutamanya time kita keseorngan, kesedihan dan jauh dari ALLAH. Hati2 shabatku 'cermin putih', mari kite lari dari perangkap itu, lari sejauh-jauhnya, rintihlah pda Allah agar diberi rasa kemanisan iman kembali...amin=)

  4. pbuh=peace be upon him
    setuju dgn p.y.m.,sebab tu kne slalu dok ngn akhwat,share mslh ke,share crite2 best ke..^_^
    insyaAllah akak kuat..

  5. sahabat y dikasihi krn Allah... hati itu sifatnya berbolak-balik... sangat mudah berubah2... apatah lagi adanya musuh licik y sering mengganggunya..bertambahlah goyangnya hati kita.. Jalan ke syurga penuh kesengsaraan krn di hujungnya nikmat sedangkan jalan ke neraka penuh kesenangan kerana di hujungnya azab y jahanam... krn itu jalan ini amat menuntut mujahadah wahai sahabatku.. biarlah susah sedikit mengekang kehendak nafsu asalkan kelak kita bahagia di sana...dr senang sesaat di dunia tp menderita berkekalan di neraka kelak... semoga di jauhi Allah... moga ukhwah antara kita menjadi wadah utk saling meneguhkan iman insyaAllah...

  6. segalanya bermula dengan diri sendiri, iman kita tidak menentu jatuh atau naiknya, tetapi ingatlah kita bkn bersendiri dalam mencapai redha Allah,
